
Falafel and Pickled Veggie Sandwich with Minted Yogurt

Get ready for a culinary journey with our Falafel and Pickled Vegetable Sandwich with Minted Yogurt. This delectable creation is a burst of flavors and textures that will leave you craving for more. Let’s dive right into this savory adventure!

Falafel and Pickled Veggie Sandwich with Minted Yogurt



Prep time




Cook Mode

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  • 4 slices 4 wholemeal bread

  • 200 g 200 falafel

  • 100 g 100 pickled vegetables

  • 150 g 150 greek yogurt

  • 10 ml 10 olive oil

  • 5 g 5 ground cumin

  • 5 g 5 ground coriander

  • 10 g 10 fresh mint leaves


  • Begin by heating up a pan over medium heat. Add 10g of olive oil and let it warm up.
  • While the pan is heating, sprinkle 5g of ground cumin and 5g of ground coriander into the oil. Let these spices sizzle for a minute or so until they release their aromatic flavors.
  • Now, add 200g of falafel to the pan. Cook the falafel until they’re heated through and slightly crispy, about 5-7 minutes.
  • As the falafel cook, you can prepare the minted yogurt. Finely chop 10g of fresh mint leaves and mix them into 150g of Greek yogurt. This will create a refreshing and creamy sauce.
  • It’s time to assemble the sandwich. Take 4 slices of wholemeal bread and spread a generous amount of the minted yogurt on each slice.
  • Divide the cooked falafel evenly between two slices of bread, creating a delicious and protein-packed base.
  • Now, add 100g of pickled vegetables on top of the falafel. These tangy and crunchy vegetables will provide a burst of flavor.
  • Finish off your sandwich by topping it with the remaining slices of wholemeal bread.


  • High protein
  • Low calorie

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Nutritional Values (Per Serving):

  • Protein: 14g
  • Carbohydrates: 54g
  • Fat: 20g

Falafel and Pickled Vegetable Sandwich with Minted Yogurt is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. This vegetarian sandwich without cheese combines the crunch of falafel, the tang of pickled vegetables, and the creaminess of minted yogurt, all nestled between slices of wholemeal bread. The total preparation time, including cooking and assembly, is approximately 20 minutes.

Let’s go cheeseless!